Extensible 3D (X3D) language bindings
Part 2:  Java

5 Type definitions

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cube 5.1 Introduction and table of contents

5.1.1 Introduction

The X3D Scene Authoring Interface (see 2.[I19775]) defines a set of fundamental abstract data types. This clause specifies the mapping from those data types to the data types defined in this binding. All implementation-dependent data types are defined after all implementation independent data types in each category.

5.1.2 Topics

See Table 5.1 for the table of contents for this clause.

Table 5.1 — Topics in this clause

5.2 Data type definitions

5.2.1 SAIAction

The action type is dependent on the method used. Table 5.2 defines the mapping between each service, the valid action types for that service and the Java implementation of that action. Actions are mapped as method names describing the action.

Table 5.2 — SAIAction to Java implementation mapping

Service Action Type Java Implementation
dynamicRouteHandling Add Route X3DExecutionContext.addRoute()
Delete Route X3DExecutionContext.deleteRoute()
updateControl Begin Update ExternalBrowser.beginUpdate()
End Update ExternalBrowser.endUpdate()
registerBrowserInterest Add Browser.addBrowserListener()
Remove Browser.removeBrowserListener()
registerFieldInterest Add X3DField.addFieldEventListener()
Remove X3DField.removeFieldEventListener()
shareWorld share ExternalBrowser.shareBrowser()
unshare ExternalBrowser.unshareBrowser()
getNode DEF node X3DExecutionContext.getNamedNode()
IMPORT node X3DExecutionContext.getImportNode()
EXPORT node X3DScene.getExportNode()
namedNodeHandling add/update DEF node X3DScene.updateNamedNode()
remove DEF node X3DScene.removeNamedNode()
add/update IMPORT node X3DScene.updateExportedNode()
remove IMPORT node X3DScene.removeExportedNode()
add/update EXPORT node X3DScene.updateImportedNode()
remove EXPORT node X3DScene.removeImportedNode()
protoDeclarationHandling add/update Proto X3DScene.updateProtoNode()
remove Proto X3DScene.removeProtoNode()
externprotoDeclarationHandling add/update ExternProto X3DScene.updateExternProtoNode()
remove ExternProto X3DScene.removeExternProtoNode()
rootNodeHandling add root node X3DScene.addRootNode()
remove root node X3DScene.removeRootNode()
changeViewpoint next Browser.nextViewpoint()
previous Browser.previousViewpoint()
first Browser.firstViewpoint()
last Browser.lastViewpoint()

5.2.2 SAIBrowserApp

The data type is implemented as the interface X3DComponent. The capability to obtain a SAIBrowserRef is implemented in the getBrowser() method which returns an instance of the ExternalBrowser class.

5.2.3 SAIBrowserName

The data type is implemented as a java.lang.String.

5.2.4 SAIBrowserRef

The browser reference type is defined to be an instance of the Browser interface. This is the base representation used for both internal and external interaction. For external-only interactions, a derived interface of the Browser class is used: ExternalBrowser.

5.2.5 SAIBrowserVersion

The data type is implemented as a java.lang.String. The NULL value is defined as the Java null primitive type.

5.2.6 SAIComponentDeclaration

The component declaration is represented by the ComponentInfo class. This class presents a read-only view of a component and it's information. The methods available on the ComponentInfo class are:

5.2.7 SAIComponentID

The component ID is represented as two separate objects. The name of the component is defined using java.lang.String and the level is represented using the standard Java int primitive type.

5.2.8 SAIExecutionContextID

The execution context is represented by the X3DExecutionContext interface.

5.2.9 SAIFieldAccess

Field access is driven by the state of the field object. It shall have two methods to determine if it is readable (isReadable()) and Writable (isWritable()) These methods shall return true if the field is readable or writable respectively at the current state in time. Note that for a given field the return value for a particular SAIFieldID may change over time dependent on the current state in the life cycle.

5.2.10 SAIFieldDeclaration

The field declaration is represented by the class X3DFieldDefinition class.

5.2.11 SAIFieldID

The field identifier is represented as an instance of the class X3DField. For each specific X3D field type, there shall be a derived class that represents the field type, and includes strong type checking for the values. An implementation is not required to return the same instance of Field for every query, but shall ensure that equivalence checking is correct through the implementation of the equals() method.

5.2.12 SAIFieldName

The name of the field is implemented as a java.lang.String.

5.2.13 SAIFieldType

The field type may be represented in two alternative fashions.

The first alternative is provided through getType() method provided in the X3DField class. This returns an int which has one of the values defined by the constant types also defined in that class as shown in Table 5.3. Constant int values are provided and all implementations shall use these values. This will ensure that classes compiled with one set of implementation classes will run with all browsers as the compiler will inline these constants. The end user is strongly advised not to use the direct numerical values, and use only the types definitions. The types are defined in the X3DFieldTypes interface. If a component defines new field types then the numerical values assigned shall not override the values already defined.

Table 5.3 — Mapping of X3D Field type to Java representation

X3D Field type Java representation Value
SFBool static final int SFBool 1
MFBooll static final int MFBool 2
MFInt32 static final int MFInt32 3
SFInt32 static final int SFInt32 4
SFLong static final int SFLong 5
MFLong static final int MFLong 6
SFFloat static final int SFFloat 7
MFFloat static final int MFFloat 8
SFDouble static final int SFDouble 9
MFDouble static final int MFDouble 10
SFTime static final int SFTime 11
MFTime static final int MFTime 12
SFNode static final int SFNode 13
MFNode static final int MFNode 14
SFVec2f static final int SFVec2f 15
MFVec2f static final int MFVec2f 16
SFVec2d static final int SFVec2d 17
MFVec2d static final int MFVec2d 18
SFVec3f static final int SFVec3f 19
MFVec3f static final int MFVec3f 20
SFVec3d static final int SFVec3d 21
MFVec3d static final int MFVec3d 22
MFRotation static final int MFRotation 23
SFRotation static final int SFRotation 24
MFColor static final int MFColor 25
SFColor static final int SFColor 26
MFColorRGBA static final int MFColorRGBA 27
SFColorRGBA static final int SFColorRGBA 28
SFImage static final int SFImage 29
MFImage static final int MFImage 30
SFString static final int SFString 31
MFString static final int MFString 32

The second alternative is provided by the class hierarchy. The X3DField class is derived to provide implementations of the exact field type. These classes are defined in the same package (org.web3d.x3d.sai) package.

5.2.14 SAIFieldValue

The field value is defined on a per class and per field type instance. See the definitions of the individual field type classes for the exact definition of each type. As a general rule, the X3D data type maps the the equivalent Java primitive type using the mapping in Table 5.4

Table 5.4 — Mapping of X3D data types to Java primitive data types

X3D Field Type Java Primitive Type
Bool boolean
Int32 int
Long long
Float, Vec2f, Vec3f, Rotation float
Double, Vec2d, Vec3d double
Color float
String String
Time double
Image int

5.2.15 SAIFrameRate

The data type is implemented as the Java primitive type float. A null value is defined as the value 0.0f.

5.2.16 SAILoadState

The load state is implemented as an integer primitive value. The values for each state are defined in Table 5.5. The definitions of the values can be found in the X3DLoadStateTypes interface.

Table 5.5 — Load state type value defintions

State Java Constant Value
COMPLETE static final int LOAD_COMPLETE 3
FAILED static final int LOAD_FAILED 4

It is strongly recommended that the end user does not use the direct int values. They should be using the defined constant types.

5.2.17 SAINavSpeed

The data type is implemented as the Java primitive type float. A null value is defined as the value 0.0f.

5.2.18 SAINodeID

The node identifier is represented as an instance of X3DNode.

5.2.19 SAINodeType

The node type is represented as a java.lang.String.

5.2.20 SAIParameterList

The data type is represented by the values in the Table 5.6. The table defines the services that use the data type, the method of the BrowserFactory class and the lists of argument types that method takes.

Table 5.6 — Mapping of SAIParameterList to Java parameter lists

Service method Java Parameters
getBrowser getBrowser() java.applet.Applet
getBrowser() java.applet.Applet, String, int
getBrowser() java.net.InetAddress, int
createBrowser createVrmlComponent() None

5.2.21 SAIProfileDeclaration

The component declaration is represented by the ProfileInfo class. This class presents a read-only view of a profile and it's information.

5.2.22 SAIPropertyList

The data type is implemented as an array of java.lang.String. Key/Value pairs are represented using the java.util.Map abstract data structure.

5.2.23 SAIProtoDeclaration

The proto declaration is represented by two separate interfaces - one each for PROTO and EXTERNPROTOs. For PROTOs, the interface is X3DProtoDeclaration. For EXTERNPROTOs the interface is X3DExternProtoDeclaration.

5.2.24 SAIRequesterID

The requestor ID is represented as an instance of one of two classes depending on what information is being requested.

The requestor ID is an instance of the class implementing the interface BrowserListener when the service request is registerBrowserInterest as specified in 6.3.20, registerBrowserInterest of ISO/IEC 19775-2 (see 2.[I19775]).

The requestor ID is an instance of the class implementing the interface X3DEventListener when the service request is registerFieldInterest as specified in 6.7.7 registerFieldInterest of ISO/IEC 19775-2 (see 2.[I19775]).

5.2.25 SAIRoute

Routes are represented by the immutable data interface org.web3d.x3d.sai.X3DRoute. This allows fetching of all the route information, but it may not be changed. Browser's shall not expose to the end user extended versions of this class that allow direct modification of the route.

5.2.26 SAIScript

This is the external, containing node representation of the script that is passed to the script implementation class during the initialisation phase. It shall be represented by the abstract interface type X3DScriptNode. This represents the abstract node type as there may be more than one script node type.

5.2.27 SAIScriptImplementation

The script implementation is marked by the interface X3DScriptImplementation. This marker interface must be present on the user class that is defined in the URL of the Script node. If it is not present, an error shall be generated, the URL ignored and the next URL in the list loaded.

5.2.28 SAIScene

The scene is represented by the interface X3DScene that extends the X3DExecutionContext interface. The scene interface holds all the methods that represent the Scene Services. A full definition of the interface and all its methods is in 6.5 Scene Services.

5.2.29 SAIString

The string is implemented as a java.lang.String.

5.2.30 SAIURL

The URL is implemented as a java.lang.String.

5.3 Error data types

5.3.1 SAIError

Java implementations of the errors rely on a set of derived classes based on the SAIError type.

The error type is implemented as the exception class X3DException. This exception is in turn derived from the standard Java error type of java.lang.RuntimeException. All exceptions (errors) defined in this specification shall be derived from X3DException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class NoSuchBrowserException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class ConnectionException.


The error type is implemented as two separate dual purpose exception classes depending on their scope.

InvalidBrowserException is used to indicate that an SAIBrowserRef has been disposed.

InvalidExecutionContextException is used to indicate that an SAIExecutionContextID has been disposed.

InvalidNodeException is used to indicate that an SAINodeID has been disposed.

InvalidRouteException is used to indicate that an SAIRouteID has been disposed.

InvalidProtoException is used to indicate that an SAIProtoDeclaration has been disposed.


The error type is implemented as the exception class InvalidImportException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class InsufficientCapabilitiesException.


The error type is implemented as two separate exceptions based on the implementation of SAINodeID and the rules defined in Table 5.2. These classes also derive from InvalidFieldException.

InvalidWritableFieldException is used to indicate the named field is not accessible as a writable field when attempting to create a route with the X3DScene.addRoute() method.

InvalidReadableFieldException is used to indicate the named field is not accessible as a readable field when attempting to create a route with the X3DScene.addRoute() method.


The error type is implemented as the exception class InvalidBrowserException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class InvalidDocumentException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class InvalidFieldException. Note that there are two derived classes from this class (InvalidWritableFieldException and InvalidReadableFieldException) that may be used at times where this error may be generated.


The error type is expressed as different exceptions dependent on the situation. The X3DExecutionContext.getNamedNode(), X3DScene.getExportedNode() and X3DExecutionContext.getImportedNode() methods use the InvalidNodeException. When accessing fields of a node, the error is expressed as an InvalidFieldException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class InvalidNodeException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class InvalidOperationTimingException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class InvalidURLException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class InvalidX3DException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class NodeUnavailableException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class NodeInUseException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class BrowserNotSharedException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class NotSupportedException.


The error type is implemented as the exception class URLUnavailableException.

5.4 Event types

5.4.1 Concepts

The Java implementation of the event handling and types is based around the Java AWT event listener model. A single event class is used to encapsulate the type of event and then parameters defining the actual event item that occurred.

All event classes are derived from java.util.EventObject. The getSource() method of that class is employed to return the source that generated the event. When the event comes from a field, the return value of getSource() may be cast to X3DField or one of its derived types. If the event come from the browser, the source may be cast to Browser or ExternalBrowser.

5.4.2 SAIBrowserEvent

The event type is implemented in the class BrowserEvent. Each of the individual events are expressed as actions that the event then passes to the registered listeners. The action type of the individual event is available through the getID() method.

5.4.3 SAI_BROWSER_ConnectionError

The event type is implemented as the CONNECTION_ERROR value for the browser event ID.

5.4.4 SAI_BROWSER_Initialized

The event type is implemented as the INITIALIZED value for the browser event ID.

5.4.5 SAI_BROWSER_Shutdown

The event type is implemented as the SHUTDOWN value for the browser event ID.


The event type is implemented as the URL_ERROR value for the browser event ID.

5.4.7 SAIFieldEvent

The event type is implemented as the class X3DFieldEvent. This class contains methods for obtaining the source of the event, the time (in X3D time) and any user defined data that occurred with the event.

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