Web3D 联盟宣布建立 Medical Working Group (医学工作组 - MedWG)。MedWG 的目的是建立一个 Web3D 联盟框架下的医学仿真训练的工业标准,远期还将使用 Web3D 联盟的开放标准来建立一个协作式的医学仿真训练系统。Web3D 联盟欢迎各界的参与。
ANNOUNCE: New Medical Working Group
The Web3D Consoritum is pleased to announce the creation of a new Medical
Working Group (MedWG). The purpose of the MedWG is to identify
opportunities for standardization in the medical simulation and training
industry that fit well within the framework of the Web3D Consortium. A long term
goal would be to enable the creation of interoperble medical training and
simulation systems using open standards. The current chair's are Sandy Ressler (NIST)
and Nigel John (University of Wales), in addition active participants have
included Jeff Taekman MD (Duke University) and Justin Couch (Yumetech). We look
forward to your active participation!
forward to your active participation!
For more information please contact Sandy Ressler
NAME: Sandy Ressler TELE: (301)
USMAIL: National Institute of Standards and Technology FAX: (301)
100 Bureau Drive STOP 8940
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8940 EMAIL:
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